Unity in Action

Now Scotland believes the outcome of the May 6 Scottish Parliament election will be a crucial in determining the way forward to independence.

Now Scotland is a non-party, non-partisan body that aims to unite independence supporters in active campaigning for independence.

However, given the importance of the upcoming Holyrood election, we urge every indy supporter to vote for the independence party or parties of their choice.  Abstention only aids the Unionist cause.

Now Scotland represents no political party. But we respect the right of all indy supporters to promote the party of their choice.

The independence movement now represents a majority of the nation.  However, a mature indy movement should respect diversity in its ranks.

Now Scotland calls on the entire indy movement to debate its differences with respect, to vote as conscience dictates on 6 May, then unite to finish the task of winning Scotland's freedom. 


Unity in action!

Now Scotland Steering Committee

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  • Michael Boyle-Ronaldson
    followed this page 2021-03-31 17:05:17 +0100